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Do You Know Your Why?

Someone once said, "There are two great days in your life....the day you were born and the day you find out why!" In January of 2006, I found out why and my life has been lived with one sole purpose since then. It's hard to describe the drive and passion, not to mention the joy, that has been added to my life, just from finding that why. I was born to give hope to kids, and to allow God to use me to show light to this dark and hurting world. What a gift and privilege it is that he has bestowed on me. I'm so thankful for the gift, but as it says in Luke 12:48, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." That has proven to be true over and over again over these last 13 years, but what a blessing has come from that. Do you know your why? If not, keep reading....

I was 36 years old, and for years had been trying to find my place in this world. I had always worked, and been very dedicated to the career opportunities that had been placed in my path, but I always felt like there was something else.....something more....that I was supposed to do. I didn't know what it was, and I was constantly searching. In November of 2005, a position working with at-risk youth opened up. I had never worked with this age group, nor had I ever really given it any thought, but for some reason, I applied. Little did I know that the non-profit program that I was applying to work for had fired it's last director and was on the verge of financial collapse. Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't just quit during the first month. It was difficult, but something kept me there....trying to make a change. The program was a summer program, and so I hadn't even gotten to really meet any kids or really "see" why I was doing what I was doing. Looking back, God gave me direction every step of the way. I had no clue what I was doing, but God knew, and He knew that if I was willing to let Him lead the way, that great things were in store for not only my life, but for many others as well. I remember shedding tears over the financial report that was in front of me, because I honestly, didn't think we would even be able to serve kids that first summer. There was no money, but literally in May, a local foundation sent enough money to allow us to have program starting in June.

In late May, we held a mandatory orientation for the kids (and parents) that were chosen to be a part of the 2006 Summer Kids in Motion program. At the time, I was living my career on Diet Pepsi and prayer, because this group of kids was unlike any group that I had ever worked with before in my life. I was a very sheltered and protected kid growing up. These kids were not. They were tough, angry, confused yet incredibly resilient kids who had been much less fortunate than I. This was the 1st time I'd had the opportunity to meet the kids, and I began to talk, not realizing that the words I said were not my own, but those God gave directly to me. In fact, I don't remember ANY of the words that were spoken that night, but years later, a young lady came back and reminded me.

She was a college student at the time. She said, "I was 12 years old, and that night at orientation, you told us that no matter what our circumstances or what we'd been through, we could succeed in life. You told us that if we worked hard and put our mind to it, we could be anything we wanted to be in life. I took that to heart." Her childhood had been rough. She had a father who was absent most of the time, and abusive when he wasn't absent. Her mother was a single mother trying to just put food on the table, and truthfully, many times, the mother went to bed without eating so that the kids would have enough food. No one in her family had ever gone to college, but this young lady, knew she wanted more. And it was because I found my "why!" Today this young lady, is married with a beautiful family. She is a professional, and just this past year, has gone back to school to begin working on her Master's Degree.

Once you find your why, you can't NOT do the thing you were put on this earth to do. Be open to the possibilities around you, and not only be open, LOOK FOR those possibilities. There are needs ALL around us....many of which we DON'T WANT TO SEE! I assure you though, once your eyes are opened, it's a world of opportunity and TREMENDOUS blessing!

This is why "Be The Change For Your Community" has become my focus. I want to give others the same gift that I was given. There are kids in every community that need someone to believe in them. The service to work programming that I want to spread will change lives and communities. I guarantee it! Be open to finding your why, and if you are willing to take the first step, God will do the rest! Call 573-719-5019 today to find out how YOU can "Be The Change" for your community! I'd love to visit with you. Hope to talk to you soon!

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